How to Boost Fertility Naturally

How to Boost Fertility Naturally

When you’re ready to enter into parenthood, there’s no way to predict precisely how soon you’ll see a positive pregnancy test.

If you’re in sound health, and having regular sex without birth control, you should expect to conceive in your first year of trying. Usually, about half of couples will get pregnant within 6 months, and about 70%-80% will get pregnant within 1 year. 

However, you and your partner can improve your odds of being parents-to-be by knowing the dos and don’ts of fertility. Set yourself up for success with these simple ways

Him: Keep Tabs on Your Health

Possibly it’s been a while since you’ve gone for a checkup. Many men, particularly younger ones, “still feel kind of invincible, and don’t regularly go to the doctor. But there’s a big relation between your general health and your reproductive health, so making time for a routine health check can go a long way for your fertility.

Regular exercise, good diet, a healthy body weight, less stress, better sleep patterns — all those things have been associated with semen quality. Your health care specialist can help you make any changes you might need to be your healthiest self, as well as address any problems that might be a blockade to baby-making.

Her: Learn How to Read the Signs

All pregnancies begin when egg meets sperm. So, they want to be in the same place at the same time. To help that occur, you can keep track of when your ovaries release an egg, called ovulation, and have sex during that time frame.

If your cycle is steady (with periods coming 26 to 32 days apart), that may just mean having sex on days 8-19 after your period. If you have irregular menstrual, you may not be able to depend on the calendar alone to know when you’re ovulating. Though, there are other ways your body tells you it’s go-time.

To begin, take note of your daily discharge. Cervical mucus increases and becomes very thin, stretchy, and clear as you approach ovulation. Watch for a consistency like egg whites.

For a more precise measure of those pre-ovulation days, you can buy an ovulation predictor kit from the drugstore. It tests your urine for hormone levels that spike a few days before ovulation.

Both: Have the Right Amount of Sex

Once you’ve got a handle on your fertile window, set a good schedule for sex. It is recommended for couples to have sex about every other day from a few days prior to ovulation until a few days after. Doing it more often doesn’t hurt your odds, but there are some researches that show it may lower a man’s sperm count.

As for how you have sex, that’s up to you. Position doesn’t affect your odds of conceiving, and keeping your legs in the air afterward won’t raise your chances, either. Sperm are pretty fast swimmers, and after an act of intercourse, they can be in the tubes as soon as within 2 minutes” says a fertility expert.

Watch Your Weight

If you’re overweight, you’ll raise your chances of putting a bun in the oven if you slim down. Extra pounds make you more likely to have irregular menstrual cycles, or to not ovulate at all. Losing even a small percentage of body weight can increase fertility and decrease health risks during pregnancy.

These are some of the expert tips to improve your chances of getting pregnant. If you fail to conceive even after following all these tips, you should call a fertility expert. 

  • Radhika Tiwari
    Posted at 10:05h, 29 January Reply

    Thanks Aura!
    I really affected after tried your remedy. Thanks to write correct things, I was afraid before try but now got result and also I’m sharing with you. Thank you sooo muchhhhh……..:)

  • Preeti khatri
    Posted at 13:30h, 28 February Reply

    Great, it’s really helpful

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